Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome Again!

Hello everyone! This is Colin Mythcaster. For those who don't know me, I am a grandmaster Conjurer that is always in the community some way if it's with podcasts like Ravenwood Radio and Wandcast, parties, or just helping out a fellow wizard. I currently have two wizards, my myth and a life wizard named Colin Lifecaster level 36 questing in the very beginning of mooshu. I have three hybrids, a tempest (Storm Orthrus) and jade hound ( Life Orthrus), and a sand man ( Myth Colossus). We both hope you enjoyed our blog and come back next time.

P.S. Thank you for putting us on your blogroll Friendly.

See you in the spiral  -Colin Mythcaster


  1. Welcome, hope you 2 have a good time :). I've got 13 characters ( 1 deleted ) and 4, close to 5 now, grandmasters. Good luck w/blogging!

  2. Welcome, I know i didn't get this treatment when i came, but welcome to the wizard 101 blogosphere

  3. Well thank you for all you guys have done we really do appreciate it.

  4. Yes thank you all for coming and I hope you enjoy our blog!

    -Anthony Dragonhammer
